Oṃ namaḥ Shivāya

Thank you for being here.

Anāhata represents the unbreakable power of love resonating from the heart chakra. Tantra represents the interweaving of traditions and teachings as threads into a text, technique or practice for liberation and enlightenment.

My name is Rohan Reddy and it is my desire to help you navigate the eternally beautiful landscape that is Tantra, to share what I’ve discovered and share what I continue to discover on my spiritual journey.

My journey inwards began in 2008 when I had a sudden realisation that all that I was taught to believe was true about myself, and the nature of reality, was untrue. It was a paradigm shift in my soul that led me to embark on a voyage of spirituality that keeps me yearning to learn more each and every day.

Since then I have travelled the world in search of answers. I have trained with masters and teachers in India, Nepal, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, USA and South Africa, learning the arts of Tantric philosophies, meditations, Kundalini and Kriya yogas, energy and pranic healing, and a multitude of somatic bodywork and massage therapies - and I have received certifications in all of these modalities.

For some years I practiced as a successful Tantra teacher, speaker and spiritual healer, but these days I choose to reflect and write.

From the outset, it became pretty clear that Tantra was the path for me. Some have asked how I found Tantra. I actually feel that Tantra found me.

Anāhata Tantra is a place where all Tantras are welcome, from ancient traditional Hindu and Buddhist Tantras to predominantly Western-influenced modern sexual Tantras, or NeoTantra - without judgement. While both paths are potential portals into the realms of the divine it’s important to discern that traditional Tantra actually has very little to do with sex, and NeoTantra has a helluva lot to do with sex. And yes it is possible to interweave both Tantric paths into your spiritual practice, should you desire to do so.

Over a decade ago, in response to mystification I was encountering around the definitions and practices of Tantra, I founded a Facebook group called Let’s Talk Tantra to help bring some guidance and clarity to much misunderstood philosophies, traditions and methods. And with the world awash with Gurus of every kind, the group is also a place to help discern the saints from the charlatans.

Today, Let’s Talk Tantra has almost 18,000 members in every corner of the globe, including some of the world’s foremost Tantra teachers, therapists, scholars, sexologists, academics, practitioners, students and the merely curious too. With hundreds of thousands of posts and discussions relating to all things Tantra, you might just find what, or who, you’re looking for there.

I am constantly mesmerised how Tantra has its roots in traditions spanning over five millennia, yet it remains fresh and adaptable for every age of mankind.

I am not a Guru. I am not an academic. I am not an expert. I am merely a 49 year old student of life, who’s day job is as a Creative Director in advertising and marketing. I am also a devoted husband and father who finds boundless joy in the simple reverence of family.

Anāhata Tantra is my labour of love. A place to create and curate.

Through my writings and musings I will discuss topics relating to Tantra and spirituality as I experience and understand them to be.

If you find even the tiniest value in what I have to share with you, then that shall give me the gift of the greatest gratitude. 

And if you wish to support me then please consider donating to my blog via ko-fi. Thank you for your kindness.

With love, Rohan.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti.

Here I am, with my beautiful family in 2021. Jai Ma!